Nondo Kenya

Socio-economic Empowerment

“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma Gandhi

It is a grave injustice to ignore the fact that a portion of our population, specifically persons with disabilities (PWD), is being left behind due to our inaction. PWD face significant challenges that could be overcome if we provided enablers to support them, enabling them to access economic opportunities and tools of the trade. Failing to address the entrenched exclusion of PWD not only denies them access, but also deprives society of their unique talents and gifts, and the opportunity to benefit from their ideas for societal improvement towards inclusivity.

As an organization we commit to continue engaging in advocacy to ensure that the unique experiences of PWD are considered in the decisions on trade and the general economic discourse of the country. We also commit to support our constituency with critical skills and knowledge required for them to access sustainable livelihoods.

Thematic area Socio economic empowerment introduction section